In the second series of the comedy web series ‘Meet the Mottas’, Motta Musician transitions into a woman creating issues and possible benefits within the Motta household.
Watch the whole series here, or episodes individually below
Motta Filmmaker and Motta Musician try to shoot a short film comedy film about celebrity chefs
Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest’ finds Motta Musician dressed as a woman in the studio
Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest’ with Motta Author and Motta Artist discuss Motta Musician transitioning and how being a woman in the arts could be a problem
Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest’ offends Motta Musician ‘Kylie’ after listening to her singing a version of Bob Dylan’s ‘Just Like A Woman’
A dip into the past when Motta Musician had a paranoid moment
Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest’ and Motta Filmmaker recollect Motta Musician and discuss Edinburgh festival winning jokes
Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest’ and Motta Musician ‘Kylie’ have a heart to heart on the bed
Motta Musician ‘Kylie’ and Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest’ go out for a bite to eat
Motta Musician ‘Kylie’ has a session with the therapist
Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest’ finds a dent in the Motta mobile and confronts Motta Musician ‘Kylie’ about it
Motta Musician ‘Kylie’, Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest and Motta Author appear on Gogglebox
Motta Comedian ‘The High Priest’ and Motta Musician discuss his de-transition over beans on toast
Motta Musician presents his new pro-gay rap song ‘Big Cock in my Shitbox’